Marlene Mayr, MA &
André Mayr, MA
Design & Art Direction
Studio Mayr ist eine Agentur für Design & Art Direction in Linz, Österreich. 2020 gegründet, liegt der Fokus in den Bereichen strategische Konzept- & Ideenentwicklung, Branding, Motion Design und Video/Sound Montage.
︎︎︎ Referenzen ︎︎︎
︎︎︎ Leistungen ︎︎︎
0043 650 80 80 789
0043 650 80 80 789
Hörmannstrasse 10
4020 Linz
4020 Linz
Studio Mayr is a Design Studio founded by Marlene & André Mayr, specialized in brand strategy, interdisciplinary campaigns and storytelling. In addition to our commercial work we founded the artist collective «Dekonstrukt» back in 2010.
Marlene Mayr
2021 – today
Founder Studio Mayr
Art Direction
2016 – 2021
Art Director Swisscom Schweiz AG
2015 – 2016
Junior Motion Designer Element P Bern
2013 – 2015
Master Contemporary Arts, HKB, Bern
2010 – 2013
Bachelor Multi Media Art, FH Salzburg;
Andre Mayr
2022 – today
Co-Founder Studio Mayr
Lehrkraft HTL Salzburg
2021 – 2022
Creative Director Heidlmair Kommunikation
2015 – 2021
Art Director Swisscom AG
2013 – 2015
Master Contemporary Arts, HKB, Bern
Interaction Designer, Agentur Maxomedia AG, Bern
2010 – 2013
Bachelor Multi Media Art, FH Salzburg;
2003 – 2009
HLW Kommunikationsdesign, Linz;
2021 – today
Founder Studio Mayr
Art Direction
2016 – 2021
Art Director Swisscom Schweiz AG
2015 – 2016
Junior Motion Designer Element P Bern
2013 – 2015
Master Contemporary Arts, HKB, Bern
2010 – 2013
Bachelor Multi Media Art, FH Salzburg;
Andre Mayr
2022 – today
Co-Founder Studio Mayr
Lehrkraft HTL Salzburg
2021 – 2022
Creative Director Heidlmair Kommunikation
2015 – 2021
Art Director Swisscom AG
2013 – 2015
Master Contemporary Arts, HKB, Bern
Interaction Designer, Agentur Maxomedia AG, Bern
2010 – 2013
Bachelor Multi Media Art, FH Salzburg;
2003 – 2009
HLW Kommunikationsdesign, Linz;
Studio Mayr ist eine Agentur für Kommunikationsdesign und Creative Direction. Wir geben Ihrer Marke eine starke Positionierung. Authentisch und und ehrlich.
Strategisches Branding
Editorial Design
Art Direction
Motion Design
Digital Design
Social Media
Marlene Mayr, MA
0043 650 80 80 789
Gesten des spekulativen Geflechts
Social Media & Print CampaignPoster series for the exhibition "Gestures of the Speculative Network". The exhibition deals with the phenomenon of the "Erdstalls". Erdstalls are artificial caves with seemingly pointless branches, extremely narrow. These types of caves are mainly found in Austria, Bavaria and France. Their purpose has not yet been clearly clarified. While the majority of researchers date their origin to the High Middle Ages and suspect places of refuge or sacred rooms there, others use a controversial dating method: This would mean that Erdstalls were formed 20,000 years ago. This circumstance raises questions: Who or what built these caves, especially since no suitable tools were available at that time. As you can see, the lack of evidence leads to conspiracy theories.
In the exhibition and the artistic works, all these perspectives are illuminated, speculation is made without losing the scientific context. What is certain is that these cave systems have an effect on people. Some scientists have also spent several days in an Erdstall to prove oxygenation. They report: Absolute darkness and silence. In it we only have ourselves and so the cave can become a psychic experience. A mirror of ourselves. Everything seems more intense. These stories were processed on the typographical level in the poster. As a further visual element, an undefined organism was used. This element refers to farfetched theories that the caves must have been created by intelligent beings. An intelligence pulsates through the darkness. An invitation to speculate.

Objects by Arge
(@Heidlmair Kommunikation)Give something special at Christmas time. What to think about.
According to this motto, we contacted the Arge shop in Linz. We acquired around 200 objects there. From small figures to old everyday objects. All of these objects have one thing in common: they have a story, a reason why they ended up in the consortium. We have preserved this history, packaged and vacuumed the objects in a valuable way so that their history survives. So the customers of Heidlmair Kommunikation received a somewhat different Christmas surprise.
Tags: Creative & Art Direction, Text;
Agentur: Heidlmair Kommunikation
Cooperation: Arge Obdachlose Linz
Creative Direction: André Mayr
Art Direction: James Francis Rogers
Text: Isabella Diessl
CCA Bronze 2022
ADC Europe Silver 2022
Photo Credits:
Heidlmair / James Rogers

Ready – with Swisscom
Swisscom - the Swiss market leader in the telecommunications and entertainment sector, launched a campaign to provide evidence. As a textual and creative concept, our customers entered into a dialogue with Swisscom. The campaign was divided, the need of the customer on the one hand and the commitment of the group to meet this need on the other.
Tags: Creative & Art Direction, Text;

Underrated Interactions –
Experimental Hexagon Monotype
A monotype font was developed based on a hexagon. The project includes various studies in the field of animation and poster design.

Apropos Hurensohn / Son of a bitch
Illustrations and poster design for the publication “Apropos Hurensohn” by Dr. Michael Manfe. The trigger for this was Donald Trump, who called the NFL anthem protesters “son of a bitch”.
Tags: Editorial, Illustration, Concept, Manfé